Art reflects the true identity of society. It is a means of expression that is not attached to outside influences. Additionally, it is a form of communication. It works as a creative outlet that allows for a social dialogue between people and cultures. Art allows us to understand one another and our cultures. It allows us to understand emotions that define our individual and group identity. Through art, every event and shared story can be shared and told in multiple forms.
Our literature, music, painting, performance, film, and sculpture reflect our cultural values. From our imagery to our words, the symbolism we choose to express our individual feelings and thoughts becomes the measure by which other societies interpret ours.
The spaces portrayed in the watercolor scenes, are part of a project that wants to redefine the relationship of the general public with the local art in the city of Tijuana. A city were the art scene of the city is in full swing thanks to the efforts of the inhabitants of the city.
The project consist on an art center located on the beach in Tijuana. This building has spaces to exhibit art and creates gathering and passive recreational spaces. The diversity of interior and exterior spaces, provides area to display traditional art and urban art.

The first image is an interior view of the main galley, where we can see the main gallery below with art pieces on the walls and on top of this space we can see the outside corridor, where there is a movie projection on the wall and people can gather to see it or just continue their circulation to the other spaces on the building. For this image layers of watercolor where applied to achieve the transparency of the glass and the art installation on the gallery.

The second scene is an outside perspective view, showing the formwork pattern in the concrete wall and the access doors, where art can be displayed. In the center of the space a simple cubes art installation that can be used to as seating space.

This image is an interior view of the main gallery. In this scene the direct connection to the exterior, the boardwalk and the sky creates an interesting mixture with the art on the main wall.
Personally, I believe the lightness of watercolor scenes, compared to computer aided renders, are more appropriated to express concepts and ideas on architectural scenes.
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